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OAI PMH english version

nilsw-ra edited this page Feb 17, 2023 · 10 revisions

Swedish version

The National Archives publish data to Archives Portal Europe via OAI-PMH. OAI-PMH is a standard protocol for metadata harvesting, i.e. collection of metadata from different sources. OAI-PMH uses HTTP for request and response, with the response in XML format (content-type: text/xml).

OAI-PMH is intended for harvesting, i.e. mass retrieval for processing and storing in other systems. There are no search or sorting facilities. If you know the ifentifier (reference code) for a specific record, it is possible to retrieve full metadata for that record using the method GetRecord.

National Archives OAI-PMH Repository

Address (URL)


The National Archives OAI-PMH Repository supports the following OAI-PMH methods "verbs":


The response contains basic information about the service.

List metadata formats

The response lists the XML fromts for metadata which the service supports.

NB! the service does not support the query parameter identifier={identifier} to list which metadata formats are available for a single record.

List datasets

The response lists the datasets available for ListIdentifier calls. NB! the ListAllAuth method is not part of the OAI-PMH standard. The result refers to the OAI-PMH XML schema, but cannot be validated against the schema.

List sets

The service does not support the method ListSets.

List identifiers{dataset}?verb=ListIdentifiers


The response lists all identifiers for records in the dataset. The service supports filtering on the records' timestamps by using the query parameters from and until.

Note that the dataset id must be specified in the address (/SE_ULA in the exemplet).

List records

The service does not support the ListRecords method. To fetch the complete data of a dataset, use ListIdentifiers and then a GetRecord call for each identifier.

Get record{identifier}&metadataPrefix={metadata-prefix}

where metadata-prefix must be one of

prefix metadata format
oai_ape_ead EAD XML, APE adaptation
oai_ra_ead EAD XML, National Archives adaptation

identifier is the National Archives reference code, e.g.

  • SE/ULA/10012 - Alunda kyrkoarkiv (archive)
  • SE/ULA/10012/A 1 - Husförhörslängder (series)
  • SE/ULA/10012/A 1/1 - 1752 - 1764 (volume)

Note that if the identifier contains blank spaces " ", these must be UR encoded using "+" (not "%20").


The response contains complete data for a singe record in the specified data format (apeEad or RA-EAD). EAD (Encoded Archival Description) is a standard XML format for exchanging archival information. The National Archives OAI-PMH service can, as described above, deliver data in two different EAD based formats.

Description of EAD data for archival records:

Archives Portal Europe

The National Archives provide archive metadata to Archives Portal Europe by the OAI-PMH service. This metadata is available for searching, together with metadata from a large number of other european archive institutions. All data in APE is provided with a CC0 license. APE also provides a REST API. Note that this API requires an API key.

Data extract for download

The National Archives use the OAI-PMH service to generate a dataset with publicly available archive metadata for download. The intention is to update the dataset yearly.