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RA EAD english version

nilsw-ra edited this page Jan 12, 2023 · 5 revisions

Swedish version

Archival records in National Archives EAD format

EAD elements and the corresponding presentation in the search service.


Example file 1 (SE/ULA/10012/A I/1)

Example file 2 (SE/KrA/0414/0028/0006)


    <titleproper>5. Mariaeburgum. Ichnographice De Scriptum. A 1639. Tabula Explicans. [Marienburg/Malbork]</titleproper>


  <unittitle>5. Mariaeburgum. Ichnographice De Scriptum. A 1639. Tabula Explicans. [Marienburg/Malbork]</unittitle>

Reference code

<eadheader ...>
  <eadid countrycode="SE" mainagencycode="ULA">SE/ULA/10012/AI/1</eadid>

The reference is actually SE/ULA/10012/A I/1, but the blank is omitted in the element content.

  <unitid countrycode="SE" repositorycode="ULA">1</unitid>


<physdesc encodinganalog="3.4.4">
  <extent unit="Kartor">1</extent>


  <unitdate calendar="gregorian" era="ce" normal="1752/1764" encodinganalog="3.1.3">1752--1764</unitdate>

The unitdate element's text content is unstructures, there can be a qualifying explanation for example ("osäker", uncertain in swedish). If the archival record has an unambiguous year in the date fileld, the attribute normal will contain a standard representation of the time or time span YYYY[/YYYY].

Terms and conditions

<accessrestrict encodinganalog="3.4.1">

Archival institution

The two first elements of the reference code denotes the archival institution. In the example SE/ULA = Landsarkivet i Uppsala.

Record creator/origination

<origination encodinganalog="3.2.1">
  <name authfilenumber="SE/902002">Lokal upphovsman KARTIA (KrA) - Getkant, Friedrich</name>

General note

<scopecontent encodinganalog="summary">
  <p>Med ortregister.</p>

Copyright license

<userestrict encodinganalog="3.4.5" type="dao">
    <extref xlink:href="">CC0</extref>

Note on reproduction

  <p>Mediatyp enligt Kartia: Mikrofilm Mediatyp enligt Kartia: K 011 Mediatyp enligt Kartia: 471 </p>


    <date calendar="gregorian" era="ce">2021-11-18T13:53:13.173Z</date>
    <item>Senaste uppdatering i Arkis</item>


Example file (SE/ULA/10012/A I)

EAD data for a series record has the same basic construction as for a volume. Data for the volumes in the series are then listed as elements nested under

<dsc type="othertype">

Nested volume elements

<c level="otherlevel" otherlevel="volym" id="d2e101" encodinganalog="3.1.4">
    <unitid encodinganalog="3.1.1" type="call number">SE/ULA/10012/A I/2</unitid>
    <unitdate calendar="gregorian" era="ce" normal="1772/1778" encodinganalog="3.1.3">1772--1778</unitdate>
    <dao xlink:role="IMAGE" xlink:href="" />
  <scopecontent encodinganalog="summary">
    <p>Med ortregister.</p>
  <accessrestrict encodinganalog="3.4.1">
  <otherfindaid encodinganalog="3.4.5">
    <extref xlink:href="">Post i NAD</extref>


Example file (SE/ULA/10012)

EAD data for a fonds record also use the same basic construction. Series in the fonds record are listed as elements under

<dsc type="othertype">

Nested series elements

Note that the volumes in turn are nested under the series elements.

<c level="series" id="d2e101">
    <unitid countrycode="SE" repositorycode="ULA">A I</unitid>
  <accessrestrict type="Delvis">
  <c level="otherlevel" otherlevel="volym" id="d2e102">
      <unitid countrycode="SE" repositorycode="ULA">2</unitid>
      <unitdate type="inclusive">1772--1778</unitdate>
      <p>Med ortregister.</p>
    <accessrestrict type="Delvis">