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Minutes_2011 11 02

Werkov edited this page Nov 4, 2011 · 3 revisions

Minutes of the meeting on 2nd November 2011

Todos & notes

  • start implementing! -- functioning (dummy) skeleton
  • deadlines:
    • publishing topic of theses ("Vypsání témat diplomových a bakalářských prací") -- 3rd October 2011 ???
    • assigning theses ("Termín zadání diplomových a bakalářských prací") -- 11th November 2011
  • topic draft – title ("Název"), guidlines ("Zásady pro vypracování"), references ("Literatura")
    • anything else?
  • timeline revision -- synchronize with reality or rather synchronize reality with it


Later & other

  • suggesting whole phrases
  • generative vs. discriminative probability models (joint vs. conditional probability...)

Next meeting -- end of November/beginning of December

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