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Ref Mubaid notes

Werkov edited this page Sep 12, 2011 · 1 revision
  • name: Application of word prediction and disambiguation to improve text entry for people with physical disabilities (assistive technology)

  • in the begining they repeat quite often the same information (those from abstract about approaches)

  • their project

    • main goal: minimize keystrokes
    • side goal: reduce cognitive load (limit no. of suggestions)
    • they use machine learning for syntactic information, not only n-gram statistics
    • combine two sources of information: a) corpora texts b) user texts
    • methods they use are SVM (support vector machine) and Lsquares (in the article explained only roughly, I did not understand it much, referencing other works)
    • emphasis on real-time processing
    • results
      • they tested on medical texts where some names are ambiguous, they're same for genes and proteins – they predicted
      • they express results in terms of accuracy, precision and recall (??), in the case of proteins/genes they are over 99%
      • they refer to tags-and-words (POS + ngrams??) methods that have hit rate of 37% (intended word appeared in the suggestions list) and key stroke savings of 53%
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