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Michal Koutny edited this page Sep 12, 2011 · 1 revision


  • A
    • automated testing script
  • B
    • specification of modules, interface for LM inteconnection
    • "single" smoothing + LM combination smoothing
  • C
    • implementation of various LMs, using B
    • finding optimal parameters for models, experiments using A
  • D – special LMs for user-defined input
    • domain adaptation (user texts)
    • trigger based models (user input)
  • E – implementation of completion UI
    • short research of possibilities (KDE component, own ?? component, Windows/Linux)
    • hardcoding/wrapping best model (from C,D)
    • documentation of the component
  • F – bachelor thesis
    • theoretical part – description of models, smoothing and combining methods
    • (program) documentation part
      • exoeriments, models, testing
      • UI component
    • data part
      • results of models testing
    • language correction


  • September 2011
    • 23rd: finish B (first credit)
  • October 2011
    • 28th: done work on C, discussion
  • November 2011
    • working on D, experiments, collecting data for F
  • December 2011
    • implementation of E (second credit)
  • January 2012
    • exam period
  • February 2012
    • exam period + time reserve for C, D, E
  • March 2012
    • writing F, re-solving possible problems with C, D
  • April 2012
    • corrections, tuning of F
    • 27th: finish F
  • May 2012
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