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Document Format Settings

Vladimir Schneider edited this page Dec 20, 2018 · 6 revisions

Table of Contents

Editor > Code Style > Markdown

Screen Shot Code Style


Screen Shot Style General

  • Use character font width option when selected will use character's font width in wrapping and table column alignment. Otherwise, all characters are assumed to be fixed width.

  • Keep blank lines maximum blank lines to keep in the document

  • Wrap on typing
    Screen Shot Code Style Wrap On Typing

    • Default use the IDE setting for wrap on typing
    • No Wrap do not wrap on typing
    • Wrap wrap on typing and BACKSPACE
    • Disabled if soft wrapped checked
  • Indents and Spaces

    • Indent size sets the number of columns between tab stops. Effectively, number of spaces inserted when the tab key is pressed.
  • Trailing Spaces:
    Screen Shot Style Trailing Spaces

    • Keep all trailing spaces: leave all as is
    • Keep line break spaces: keep line break spaces, delete the rest
    • Trim all trailing spaces: trim all trailing spaces
  • Document: general treatment of trailing spaces in document

  • Fenced/Indented Code: treatment of trailing spaces in fenced/indented code

  • Flexmark Example: treatment of trailing spaces in flexmark-java spec example


Screen Shot Style Text

  • Wrap text when selected text will be wrapped to margins

  • Keep Hard Breaks when selected Markdown hard breaks, which are two or more spaces before an end of line will be preserved. Otherwise, they will be ignored and removed from the document.

  • With soft wraps:
    Screen Shot Style Soft wrap Margin

    • Disable: wrapping is disabled when soft wrap mode is on
    • Keep enabled: wrapping is enabled when soft wrap mode is on
    • Infinite right margin: wrapping is enabled when soft wrap mode is on but right margin is set to infinity, effectively combining all element text on a single line.
  • Continuation Lines specifies the indentation to use on continuation lines.
    Screen Shot Style Continuation Lines

    • Align left text edge will indent continuation lines so that they align with the text of the first line.
    • None continuation lines will start at the first column
    • Indent continuation lines will line up with the indentation level of the text block
    • Indent +1 level continuation lines will line up with the indentation level of the text block +4 spaces.
    • Indent +2 levels continuation lines will line up with the indentation level of the text block +8 spaces.
  • Keep at start of line selects when image and link elements should be placed at the start of line when wrapping text.
    Screen Shot Style Jekyll Templates

    • None let these elements wrap normally
    • Jekyll templates keep element at start of line when the file has Jekyll front matter section
    • All files keep elements at start of line in all files.

Block Quotes

Screen Shot Style Block Quotes

  • First line: selects the format to use for first line markers
    Screen Shot Style Bq First Line Markers

    • No Change leave as is
    • Compact for nested block quotes eliminate space after > where possible: e.g. >>>block quoted text
    • Compact with Space for nested block quotes eliminate space between > but leave a space after the last >: e.g. >>> block quoted text
    • Spaced always place a space after every >. e.g. > > > block quoted text
  • Continuation: selects the format to use for continuation lines of the block quoted text
    Screen Shot Style BQ Cont Markers

    • Add As First use same option as the first line markers
    • Compact for nested block quotes eliminate space after > where possible: e.g. >>>block quoted text
    • Compact with Space for nested block quotes eliminate space between > but leave a space after the last >: e.g. >>> block quoted text
    • Spaced always place a space after every >. e.g. > > > block quoted text
    • Remove remove block quote prefix from the continuation lines of a block


Screen Shot Style Verbatim

  • Fenced Code

    • Marker options allow you to select what characters to use for the markers and the minimum number of these characters.
      Code style Screen Shot Style Code Fence Markers

    • Space before language info when selected will add a space between the opening marker and language info

    • Match closing marker to opening marker when selected will make the closing marker use the same characters as the opening marker

    • Minimize Code Indent when selected will remove extra indentation from the contents of the code fence

  • Indented Code

    • Minimize Code Indent when selected will remove extra indentation from the contents of the verbatim block


Screen Shot Style Headers

  • Heading Style
    • No Change leave heading styles as they are
    • ATX change all headings to Setext style
    • Setext change ATX headings level 1 and 2 to Setext

ATX Headings

  • Trailing Markers
    Screen Shot Style Atx Trailing Markers

    • No Change leave as is
    • Add always add matching trailing # at end of header text
    • Equalize, if trailing # are present then equalize their number to the header's leading #'s
    • Remove, always remove trailing #
  • Space after marker
    Screen Shot Style Discretionary Text

    • No Change leave as is
    • Add add space after #
    • Remove remove space after #. To allow headers without the space after the # you need to have the Atx Header Space parser option disabled
  • on edit if selected the Trailing Markers option will be applied when the header text is modified by typing or BACKSPACE

  • on ENTER if selected the Trailing Markers option will be applied when ENTER key is used

Setext Headings

  • Equalize marker will equalize the marker to the length of the heading text
  • on edit if Equalize marker is selected enabling this option will also equalize the marker when the header text is edited via typing or BACKSPACE
  • on ENTER if Equalize marker is selected enabling this option will also equalize the marker when ENTER is hit on the text line or the marker line of the header.


List Items

Screen Shot Style List Items

  • Add blank line before list when selected formatting the document will insert a blank line before the first list item of a list. This is recommended if you want to have maximum compatibility with diverse markdown parsers.
  • Renumber ordered list items when selected ordered list items will be renumbered to reflect their ordinal position within the parent list. The dropdown allows selecting how to justify the numeric item prefix: ScreenShot_Style_ListAlign.png

    ⚠️ GitHub will not interpret lists correctly when right justified is selected

    • Always start first items from 1 when selected will reset the ordered list item to 1. Otherwise the first item ordinal will be left as is. ℹ️ CommonMark supports lists starting with ordinal other than 1, this option will reset the ordinal number and in effect not use the CommonMark list numbering start feature.
  • List spacing how to format lists
    Screen Shot Style List Spacing

    • No Change controlled by blank lines between items
    • Loose if has loose item make all items loose if a list has one loosely spaced item
    • Tight if has tight item make all items tight if a list has one tightly spaced item
    • Loose always loose
    • Tight always tight
  • Bullet list marker marker to use for the bullet lists
    Screen Shot Style List Bullet

    • No Change leave markers unchanged
    • - change all to dashes
    • * change all to asterisks
    • + change all to pluses
  • New bullet item marker item marker used by actions to create list items.

  • Task List Item Case specifies the case to use for the closed task items:
    Screen Shot Style Task Item Case

  • Task List Item Placement specifies how task items are to be ordered on document format:
    Screen Shot Style List Task Item Placement

    • No Change: leave all list item ordering as is
    • Incomplete first: put incomplete task items first in the list, followed by the rest
    • Has incomplete first: put incomplete task items and ones that have incomplete nested task items first in the list, followed by the rest
    • Incomplete first, complete to non-task: put incomplete task items first in the list, followed by the rest, change complete task items to regular list items
    • Has incomplete first, complete to non-task: put incomplete task items and ones that have incomplete nested task items first in the list, followed by the rest, change complete task items to regular list items
  • add on ENTER if selected will add an empty item when ENTER key is used

  • add loose item on ENTER if selected will add an empty item when ENTER key is used on a blank line that has a list item above it.

  • Remove empty on BACKSPACE when selected will remove the list item prefix when BACKSPACE is used right before or anywhere inside the item prefix marker.

  • Remove empty on ENTER when selected an empty list item will be removed when ENTER is used on the line containing the item.

Definition Lists

Screen Shot Style Definitions

Markdown Navigator recognizes both : and ~ as a definition prefix.

  • Marker: on formatting
    master assets faq code style screen shot style definition markers

  • Any leave as is

  • : change all definition prefixes to :

  • ~ change all definition prefixes to ~


Screen Shot Style Tables

  • Auto-format on typing when selected will format table when typing or using BACKSPACE inside table

  • Auto-format on editing separator line when selected will auto-format table when the separator line is modified by typing or using BACKSPACE

  • Leading and trailing pipes when selected leading and trailing | characters are added to the table row. Note that this option can only be turned off if Auto-format on typing is disabled.

  • Add Missing Columns when selected will fill out missing columns so that all rows have equal number of columns.

  • Space around | when selected will put spaces around column separator and lead/trailing |

  • Left Align Marker, option on how to treat the optional left alignment marker
    Screen Shot Style Discretionary Text

    • No Change leave as is
    • Add add if it is missing and the column is left aligned
    • Remove remove if the column is left aligned
  • Align columns when selected will use spaces to pad columns to equal width on every row

  • Apply column alignment when selected will apply column alignment to column text

  • Trim cell text when selected will trim table cell text. Only enabled if Align columns is disabled.

  • On ENTER add row when enabled will add an empty row when ENTER is used within a table

  • On BACKSPACE delete empty

    • 'row' when enabled using BACKSPACE in an empty row or one that becomes empty after the BACKSPACE operation will delete the row
    • 'column' when enabled using BACKSPACE in an empty column or one that becomes empty after the BACKSPACE operation will delete the column

    ❗ Deleting a row has priority over deleting a column. If in a single BACKSPACE operation both the row and column are empty or become empty then the row will be deleted.

Table of Contents

Screen Shot Style Tables

  • On Format on document or element re-format action behavior for TOC elements.

    • No Change, do nothing
    • Update, update generated text on format
    • Remove, remove generated text on format
  • On Save action to take on document save:

    • No Action, do nothing
    • Format, apply format action
  • Default Title Level the default heading level for the table of contents title when the TOC title does have leading #'s to specify the heading level. Default 3.

  • Default Title default title for table of contents when the TOC tag does not have a title provided. If blank then no heading will be generated. Default Table of Contents

  • Language language that will be used for the generated title: markdown or html

  • Link Label label for the link in the table of contents to use only the text of the heading or to include inline formatting.

  • List Type link type for the table of contents: bullet or numbered

  • List Structure how to display the structure of the headings
    Screen Shot Style TOC List Structure

    • Hierarchy: hierarchy of headings
    • Flat: flat list in order of appearance in the document
    • Reversed: flat list in reverse order of appearance in the document
    • Alphabetical: flat list in sorted in alphabetical order based on heading text
    • Reverse Alphabetical: flat list in sorted in reverse alphabetical order based on heading text
  • Include Levels heading levels to be included in the table of contents. Default 2-3

ℹ️ Parser table of contents option, in Languages & Frameworks > Markdown > Parser, "Generate Blank Line Spacer" controls whether a blank line after the [TOC]:# element is allowed. When enabled the generated TOC contents will insert a blank line between the element and the generated contents. This option is recommended for greatest compatibility with all markdown parsers.


Screen Shot Style Arrange

Select how you want to arrange elements whose placement in the document does not affect the final rendering of HTML: abbreviations, footnotes, link references and enumerated references. In all cases the ordering of the elements of the same type, relative to each other is preserved if sort option is Not Sorted.
Screen Shot Style Placement

  • No Change leave the elements where they are
  • Document Top move all elements to the top of the document
  • Group With First group all elements with the first such element in the document
  • Group With Last group all elements with the first such element in the document
  • Document Bottom move all elements to the bottom of the document

Screen Shot Style Placement

  • Not Sorted leave the elements in the same relative order
  • Sorted elements are sorted by their reference id
  • Sorted, unused last used and unused elements are grouped then sorted by their id within the group.