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Notification Settings

Vladimir Schneider edited this page Mar 15, 2019 · 1 revision

Debug settings are used for internal debugging options, including JavaFX WebView debugging using Google Chrome Dev Tools.

ℹ️ Some settings are available only in the enhanced edition or basic edition.

Settings are found in Languages & Frameworks > Markdown > Notifications and control which global notifications are suppressed:

  • Auto links extension performance warning - Shown when parser Auto links extension is enabled because it can increase markdown parsing times from 2x to 3x times and introduce noticeable response delay during typing.
  • GitHub syntax change - Shown when parser lists option is set to Old Github Docs because GitHub has switched to CommonMark Markdown processor
  • JavaFX preview available - Shown when default Swing preview browser is selected and JavaFX WebView browser is available
  • Jekyll front matter - Shown when Jekyll front matter is found in a Markdown document but the parser extension for it is not enabled
  • License expiration advance notification - Shown in advance of license expiration date.
  • License expired notification - Shown after the license has expired
  • Enhanced version available - Shown in basic edition when the plugin is initially installed or upgraded.
  • Unicode line separator characters in file - Shown when Unicode Line Separator character is found in the current file. These are zero width characters which can affect Mardown parsing and produce unexpected results.