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Opsis Box packing list

Carl Karsten edited this page Jul 17, 2024 · 5 revisions
  • [ _ ] Opsis board in black case, in the case is: w/ 5/12v power supply, 12 to 5v buck converter, Raspi Pi v4
  • [ _ ] Magic HDMI cable for presenter's laptop to Opsis input 1 (x2 - 2nd one is spare if first breaks/lost/stolen)
  • [ _ ] HDMI cable for Rpi to confidence monitor
  • [ _ ] power cord (IEC)
  • [ _ ] USB A to B (spare, just in case the internal one becomes possessed.)

2nd box maybe:

  • [ _ ] LED Display (3 of 'em, #6 has it's own display) w/ Power supply
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