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Carl Karsten edited this page Mar 4, 2019 · 10 revisions

Internet connection:

  • 2MBS up
  • DHCP
  • Private IP behind Nat is OK.
  • Cat-5 RJ45 cable to recording table (see Appendix F)


  • Log into the event’s YouTube account, go to Live Dashboard
  • Verify and validate the account (I'm not sure how...)
  • Create Event: Live Streaming, Events, New Live Event
  • Set Stream title, Description, Category, and (x) Custom more encoding options
  • Advanced Options:
    • Recording date: (enter first day of event)
    • Promotions: 1 Week before event
  • Ingestion Settings
    • Create custom, reusable ingestion settings by using the Reusable stream key
    • Select your encoder: Other Encoder.
    • Copy and paste into your encoder
    • Enter the stream names and URLs in the configuration options of your encoding software.
    • Stream Name: (looks like this: a12b-2344-de6f-7g8h)
    • Primary Server URL: rtmp://
    • Backup Server URL: rtmp://
  • Copy the Stream name (aka key), email or IM it to Carl.
  • Arrange with Carl a test. That's when Start your encoder happens.
  • In the bottom right of the YouTube page is Share URL - post it on the event's social networks.
  • When event starts, click Start the Stream; when it ends, click End.
  • Monitor stream preview, alert Carl to problems.
  • Monitor chat, respond to questions.

Details: Note: The encoder is gstreamer tcpclientsrc controlled by Voctomix videoteam-stream.

Hints and screen shots can be found here: